
科堡 (Clarksburg) 地处华盛顿特区西北郊,位于马里兰州蒙哥马利郡内 (Montgomery County, Maryland)。 近十年来其周边地区快速发展,各国各族移民大批迁入,因此邻近社区处处可见华人同胞踪影。我们看见华人同胞或许事业有 成,生活无虞;然而心中未必有平安,生活未必有喜乐。因劳苦重担、思虑愁烦,或导致家庭纠纷,或致心理生理疾病,或觉人生 茫然者时有所闻。因此慈悲怜悯的神耶和华,将共同的负担摆在五个家庭心中,于2012年十月成立了科堡基督教会 (The Christian Church in Clarksburg),为要向科堡及邻近城市的华人同胞及居民宣扬耶稣基督及他的救恩,并建立基督的身体。


About Our Church

The Christian Church in Clarksburg is located at the northwest corner of Montgomery County, Maryland in the greater Washington DC region. Over the past decade, the surrounding areas of Clarksburg have seen rapid development, resulting in a large number of immigrants from various countries and ethnic groups moving into Montgomery County. Therefore, Chinese immigrants are seen everywhere in the neighboring communities. Maybe they have successful careers and lead a worry-free life; however, they may not have true peace and joy in their hearts. We often hear incidents of family disputes, psychophysiogical disorders, meaningless and empty life caused by toils and burdens, worries and anxieties. Due to His mercy and lovingkindness, the Lord has placed a burden in the hearts of five families. As a result, the Christian Church in Clarksburg (CCC) was established in October 2012 for the purpose of preaching Jesus Christ and His salvation to the Chinese immigrants and residents of Clarksburg and the neighboring cities, and building up the Body of Christ.